The SHARE Food Program is a nonprofit organization serving a regional network of community organizations engaged in food distribution, education, and advocacy. SHARE promotes healthy living by providing affordable wholesome food to those willing to contribute through volunteerism.
“Do good, feel good, eat good.”
A smart idea that brings community and healthy food together
What is SHARE?
SHARE — an acronym for Self-Help and Resource Exchange – is a program where people get a break on their grocery bills by exchanging volunteer time for the opportunity to buy affordable food. For each package of food purchased, we simply ask for two (2) hours of “good deed” time, whether at SHARE, other institutions in your community, or your own neighborhood.
Food packages (worth up to $45) offer meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and grocery items. SHARE purchases the food from growers, brokers and packaging plants. SHARE Food is never donated, government surplus, or salvage.
SHARE is unique: SHARE is for everyone; “If you eat, you qualify.” Everyone in the community can participate. Because it is for everyone, it can help break down barriers that divide people – barriers like race, religion, social and economic classes, gender and age. When we break down barriers, we can begin to see each other as real people, and begin to build community and neighborhoods.
SHARE is community service: Community service is defined as random acts of kindness, or service to benefit one’s neighbor or community. Anything you do for another person or organization without pay is community service. It might be helping a neighbor, teaching Sunday School, assisting a teacher, delivering meals to the elderly, organizing a group to clean up the neighborhood, setting up a crime watch, helping with scouts or little league, and many other things we may never have thought of! You decide. You report. SHARE trusts you to do your part!
SHARE is a partner in the community: SHARE operates through Host Organizations which are run by churches, community centers, schools, businesses, senior centers and tenant councils. Host Organizations have two responsibilities: the first is to register people for purchases of SHARE packages and to offer them ideas about community service; the second is to send participants to help bag food, and to pick up and distribute food on distribution day at their Host Organization.
In summary: SHARE is truly a Self-Help and Resource Exchange program. It is an opportunity for people to share their gifts with the community and get something in return. For some it means stretching their food dollars, while for others it is the difference between having food on the table or going hungry.
Affordable: SHARE food packages assure top value for your food-buying dollar. SHARE is simply a smart way to save dollars and help the community at the same time.
Basic: Basic foods and basic packaging are the heart of the SHARE food packages. Although they contain some processed foods, the majority of the food packages are made up of basic, wholesome foods families can purchase every month and prepare the way they like it.
Consistent: SHARE provides fresh, wholesome, healthy foods month after month, year after year. Our Value Package always contains meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and staple items such as beans, rice, pasta, or cereal, plus a few specialty items.
Register: Fill out a monthly Menu/Order Form online, at SHARE or with a neighborhood Host Site.
Pay: You pay for the amount of whatever you buy from the menu. If you have your food delivered to your Host, you pay just $1 per package and 10¢ per preference item.
Volunteer: Give two hours of volunteer service in the community for each package of food you purchase.
Pick Up: Pick up your SHARE food at the SHARE warehouse or at the neighborhood Host on a scheduled food distribution day.
Receive: Receive approximately $35 to $45 worth of quality frozen meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and shelf stable items at approximately 50% savings.
Register: Obtain a menu for the following month.
volunteer YOUR Way!
Here are just a few of the diverse activities SHARE shoppers have reported to us:
* Cooking for a sick neighbor
* Helping at a local church, school, library, hospital or senior center
* Baby-sitting for a friend or neighbor
* Serving at a homeless shelter, emergency assistance center, nursing home or other non-profit organization
* Coaching youth ball teams and acting as a youth leader or mentor
* Assisting at Host Sites with registration, transportation and distribution. Ask your Host Site what you can do
* Working in at the SHARE warehouse during a bagging week or on distribution days, or in the SHARE office any weekday.
· SHARE Food Program, Inc. in Philadelphia , PA, is an independent organization that is not affiliated with any other existing or former SHARE entity nationally or internationally.
· SHARE is a non-profit corporation registered as a 501(c) 3 with the Internal Revenue Service and as a charity with the Pennsylvania Department of State.
· Donations to SHARE are tax deductible.
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