Thursday, March 8, 2012

unMoney Convergence

April 24th, 2012 8am-6pm
San Francisco, CA.

We are inviting innovators to converge on April 24 in The Bay Area for the 2012 unMoney Convergence to engage in an evolutionary conversation on money. In the wake of the financial crises around the world, new approaches are emerging in the ways that currency moves and property is held. We invite you to these explorations.
Our goal is to bring foster dialogue and collaboration among the range of interesting emerging ideas around money and exchange systems and to explore connections with issues of land and property tenure. In addition to topics on alternatives to the current currency systems, we invite all who are looking at new ways to look at land tenancy and stewardship, hard currency versus energy, time and food based currencies. We are looking for synergies between folks who see the need for more grounded, materially based economics and those looking at the spiritual, energetic and values based approaches.

In April 2008, the first Unmoney convergence was hosted in Seattle with a similar range of participants. Relationships were built and several interesting projects were explored.. Since then, we have gone through a financial meltdown around the world that has its roots in flawed economic theory and corrupt financial practices. In 2012, it is even more apparent that we need a fundamental shift in the approach to currency and the principles underlying our local and interconnected global economies.
range of interesting emerging ideas around money and exchange systems and to explore connections with issues of land and property tenure. In addition to topics on alternatives to the current currency systems, we invite all who are looking at new ways to look at land tenancy and stewardship, hard currency versus energy, time and food based currencies. We are looking for synergies between folks who see the need for more grounded, materially based economics and those looking at the spiritual, energetic and values based approaches.

In this era, we understand in even more profound ways the need to rebuild local economies, slowing down the global growth economy and provide lively hoods for many millions of people who have been displaced from their work, their land and their homes by un- rooted global economic dynamics. This one day conference proximate to The Future of Money and Technology conference will explore the deep questions that participants bring around these topics.

The invitation is being made to social-entrepreneurs, academics, economists, bankers, philanthropists, business men and woman, system changers, lenders, borrowers and barterers. In addition we are inviting members of the Slow Money movement, those involved in Land Trusts and others concerned about housing, farmland preservation etc. to look at the intersection of land and currency.

Most of the conference will be participant driven, the agenda will be created live over the course of the event by those attending. We will primarily use Open Space Technology to organize ourselves. Everyone attending is welcome to present or lead a discussion about the topics they are interested in. Feel free to add a workshop and/or discussion you would like to attend, facilitate or lead when you register.

Our goal is to bring together and support deep dialogue and collaboration between the range of interesting emerging ideas around money and exchange systems.

We encourage your participation and your support...

Topics covered will include :


slow money

local currencies

complementary currencies

time dollars

retail trade exchanges


state of the art transaction software & hardware technologies

money & spirituality

ecological accounting

monetary theory

social venture & entrepreneurship

value network mapping

equity sharing

energy backed currency

organizational structures

gift economies


unMoney is a project of Planetwork

Register here.

1 comment:

  1. would love to attend. I attended early unmoney events in Seattle but wasn't informed enough about "money" until i saw the Money Fix Inside Job, heard Ellen Brown speak etc. I am big fans of the sustainable just economics group here in WA that are trying to establish a state bank ( based on the N Dakota model) . However banks that do not expect interest to be their due and see interest as a way to better the "commons" so all can thrive need developing, old script in 1700s Pennsylvania was that thing. It is quite fascinating subject....thanks for "being"
    regards and all the best!!!
